Discover the Eureka Approach to Education
At Eureka Schoolhouse, we place your child first. That's why we focus on learning experiences beyond facts and figures, providing a safe and cosy environment where children can interact, discover and thrive. Each child is unique with different needs and preferences, which is why we also emphasize on a close teacher-parent partnership so that your child can adapt gradually to new experiences and activities.

Our Strengths
Personalised & Reliable
Teachers at Eureka Schoolhouse are invested in building meaningful relationship with you and your child. We strive to provide parents with absolute peace of mind, through regular and accurate updates of your child's journey in Eureka Schoolhouse.
Flexible & Inclusive
Eureka Schoolhouse’s innovative and balanced curriculum is catered to help your child to grow and develop in confidence. Your child’s early years with us will be rewarding and intellectually challenging as we boost their thinking skills, creativity and build their confidence to achieve their best.
Facilities & Learning Spaces
Eureka Schoolhouse strives to provide a homely environment where children feel comfortable and eager to learn, carefully constructing conducive spaces for them to grow and explore.
Our Programs

Toddlers (18 - 24+ months)

Playgroup (3 years old)

Nursery (4 years old)

Kindergarden 1 (5 years old)

Kindergarden 2 (6 years old)
"Eureka's nurturing environment and caring and approachable teachers make this the right choice of school for my kids."
"I like the curriculum you have to teach the alphabets and numbers, as well as the regular exercises (colouring for example) you have for the kids. I can start to see the things my son has learnt just 3 months after joining. The weekly sand and water play is also great fun for the kids. The excursions are a great chance for the parents to take part in the activities with the kids."
"I feel there is good communication between teachers and parents; the staff is always very approachable. I feel each teacher tries hard to be sympathetic to each child's individual needs. I am completely satisfied with all aspects of your school and you are all doing a great job. Thanks to all staff and helpers for providing a safe and happy learning experience."
"As an expat I wanted to find a nursery which offered an environment for my daughter to play, make new friends (both local & expat children), and most importantly learn whilst having fun. I have not been disappointed with Eureka. My daughter's speech development (both English & Mandarin), plus her mental retention capabilities, everyday impress me. She is so happy, laughing all the time and knows more songs than I do! I couldn't have asked for more."
"Akshath has been part of Eureka Schoolhouse for the last couple of years. right from Play Group. We are extremely delighted with how his overall personality has turned out to be in this timespan, from being a shy toddler to the social and happy going Nursery student. He is always glad to go to school every morning and has not expressed displeasure even once. He loves his teachers and friends and always talks about them back home including the daily activities and the games and learnings taken back from school. He also loves the occassional outdoor activities including picnics and the weekly sand and water play. He is also able to adapt to the food provided at school and relishes few of his favourite meals. We are also happy with the overall clean and safe environment given to kids at Eureka Schoolhouse and we wish to continue association with the school for a long period of time.
"Our son started at Eureka when he was 18 months old. He has enjoyed Eureka’s nurturing care ever since. The kind and professional approach of teachers has been really reassuring to us, full time working parents.
We have witnessed our son growing tremendously in confidence, Independence and academics. The school is multicultural and the special events organised by teachers have been very special to our family.
The teachers at Eureka work seamlessly in a partnership with parents to ensure individualised learning journey for each child. The home feeling of the school makes it a safe and secure environment for our little person to grow in his full potential.
We are also very
pleased with the comprehensive curriculum and the strong Mandarin component of Eureka Schoolhouse"
"三年前,因为明灏爸爸来新加坡工作的原因,我带着明灏和一颗焦虑浮躁的心一起追随着明灏爸爸来到新加坡。过来之前,明灏正在深圳一所大环境幼儿园里读小班的第三个月。明灏爸爸告诉我,新加坡非常多幼儿园,一条街上都有好多家,等过来了,你自己去看去选择。可是事实并非如此,住的地方四美一条街上有很多家幼儿园没错,但是这些幼儿园都没有学位。看中的三家幼儿园给出的答复,就是你得网上报名,排队等候通知,有些小朋友从一出生就报名开始排队等候了。有一天,去simei green condominium 看房子,房屋中介告诉我们,这个公寓后面有两家幼儿园。所以我又带明灏顶着烈日参观了这两所幼儿园,幸运的是这两家幼儿园都有学位。其中一家便是明灏现在就读的Eureka school house 。
明灏报名入学之后,我仍然不甘心。虽然明灏爸爸在身旁安慰说,新加坡的幼儿园就是这样,类似家庭寄宿教育体制,规模都不大。你总不可能让你儿子没学上………。但是我依然打从心眼里瞧不上Eureka ,心想,这间学校从外观来看,看起来好像中国的托儿所,等看中的那三家幼儿园有学位了,我立马申请转学。于是,明灏便开始了他将近三年的小小留学生涯。
第二年,突然感觉到明灏的语言进步的非常快!几乎是飞跃的发展。有一天,我看到明灏拿回来的听写成绩单,十个英文单词居然全对。在晨检的时候,我还对他的subirna 老师提出疑问并表示怀疑,尽管他的subirna老师再三的跟我保证,他的成绩没有水分。可是后来事实证明我的怀疑是错的,从明灏拿回来的阅读本,他真的能认出很多英文单词并通读全文。另外,从日常生活中注意到明灏的华文表达的越来越清晰。能描述一些学校的日常,懂一些一语双关的含意。他告诉我,妈妈,孟老师说我的嘴巴很甜!相比去年的年终表演,明灏的台词说的更加流利,会根据角色带有不同的感情色彩,音乐节奏显得更加娴熟。作为华族的孩子能在新加坡受到中国民间故事(哪托闹海和草原上的小勇士)的熏陶,并把它搬到舞台上表演,这是eureka 吸引我的亮点之三,而eureka 吸引我的亮点之二是学校很注重仪式,每个民族的节日都极其的重视,隆重的庆祝。每年圣诞节还会邀请家长一起参与亲子游戏,分享各家庭带来的美食。
我们总是感慨生在异国他乡生活、工作,求学的不容易,缺忽略了时间流逝的飞快。孩子自身在成长的道路上,离不开老师们辛勤的培养。即将离别之际,无法用华丽的文字表达我对eureka 老师们,三年来对明灏的照顾之情。祝福eureka school house 的明天越来越美好吧!"
My 6 years of experience at Eureka Schoolhouse as a parent of three children has been particularly prodigious – the school’s approach to education can be summarized as being enriching and nurturing. The school has provided my 3 children with opportunity to learn through play and exploration. Apart from that, Eureka’s twice weekly English & Chinese reading programs have aided each of my 3 children to embrace reading from a young age. This has empowered them to stretch their imagination and language skills beyond their preschool years.
My children’s experiences with the teachers have been truly rewarding. The teachers especially Han Laoshi and Teacher Sabrina are extremely patient, caring and nurturing. They have a good sense of the children’s strengths and weaknesses. Regular updates are provided and lessons are tailored according to students’ needs, which have enabled my children to focus and work on their weaker areas.
Through the use of structured lesson plans, hands on activities such as learning through concepts before the use of worksheets to affirm learning, my children have gained a wider spectrum of knowledge. Thank you to Jessie for the well-planned curriculum and the teacher’s enthusiastic efforts.
I am also extremely thankful for the regular outings, special events organised by the school’s management which bring learning out of the classroom and frankly a lot of fun and joy. My children always look forward to going to Eureka and we even return to visit the school after graduation!
I am grateful for the quality education Eureka delivers that simply could not be found elsewhere.